Career Fairs, 研讨会, and Programming

春天的职业 & 实习公平

Career Fairs provide an opportunity for students to meet with a large number of employers, 在一个场景中, who are specifically seeking 基督教社会联盟DH students for the purpose of employment. Companies may have entry-level (or higher) 职业生涯 openings, 兼职职位, 和/或带薪和志愿实习. Be prepared to make a good first impression and prove that you've re搜索ed the employers of interest. Dress appropriately and bring copies of your resume.

Thursday, February 22, 2024, 12:00 PM-3:00 PM

After login, select 事件 in the left-hand menu, and filter your 搜索 by the 搜索 criteria.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 1:30 PM-4:30 PM

Meet with employers from the education field. This event is for students of all majors and class levels.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 12:00 PM-3:00 PM

Meet with employers across all fields seeking full-time and internship candidates. This event is for students of all majors and class levels. 

After login, select 事件 in the left-hand menu, and filter your 搜索 by the 搜索 criteria.


华南理工大学提供了一个充满活力的校园社区, with a diverse assortment of clubs and organizations that allow our students to pursue their interests, 发现新事物, 培养领导能力, and make lasting friendships and connections. We invite you to explore the many ways in which the 职业中心 can enrich your student 经验 even more.


The 职业中心 offers a variety of events that, by contributing your club or organization's time and resources, you can become a co-sponsor and have your group listed on all advertising. 它们包括:

  • 职业和实习博览会
  • 研究生会
  • 教育招聘会
  • 兼职 & 季节性招聘会
  • 恢复诊所
  • 研讨会


Your club or organization has the opportunity to earn a stipend for volunteering at one of our events.


To find out more about opportunities for co-sponsoring events, contact the 职业中心 at (310) 243-3625, 或者通过电子邮件 at 职业生涯

Classroom 研讨会/Presentations by the 职业中心

Career Coaches are available to present our most successful workshops to your club or organization. You can select from a variety of prepared workshops or we may be able to tailor one to your specific audience. Certain 职业生涯 workshops can also be presented by selected representatives from the business community.

In the event that you will not be able to utilize an hour-long presentation, please consider a brief 10- to 15-minute presentation to your group on our services, 包括指导, 职业生涯, 以及专业发展服务.

To request a presentation, please complete the 表格 and allow at least three (3) weeks notice or provide alternative dates.

Guidelines for Student Organizations Sponsoring Employment-Related Activities

How to Get the Most out of a Career Fair



A list of the participating companies is printed in advance and posted on the 职业中心 website with links to each of their sites. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with these employers so that you'll be able to ask intelligent, 博览会上深思熟虑的问题.


如果你的时间很短, select the employers you're most interested in learning about and visit them first. 的职业 & 实习世博会 will be set up in an "open house" format, so you may talk to the recruiters of your choice.


Talk with as many recruiters as you can who might be interested in your major, 经验, 技能, 和成就. 保持开放的心态! 例如, a health care company may not be looking only for health science majors - it may have openings in accounting, 人员, 或管理.


Confidence rates high with recruiters; cockiness does not! Sell yourself by stressing your 技能, strengths, and interests. 热情有礼. Remember to smile and have a positive attitude.


Conservative, professional business attire is best. 你需要打扮整齐. Wear a neatly pressed suit (men: with a tie) if you are seeking a 职业生涯 position. If you are looking for part-time work or an internship, wear a nice shirt/blouse and dress pants/skirt.


不要指望马上就能得到工作机会. At the job fair you will be "micro-interviewing" for a short time with each recruiter. If there is a mutual interest, they'll contact you for a follow-up interview.


Use each discussion with a recruiter as an opportunity. Increase your knowledge of the company and its job options, as well as the qualities and 技能 the recruiter is looking for in a job candidate. 探索 available advancement and promotion paths, company training programs, etc.


你的简历就是你的广告. Keep it short in length and long in honesty, appearance, and organization. Cover the basics: your education, 技能, and work 经验. 打字错误是不可接受的. If you're not sure, submit your resume to the 职业中心 for a resume critique. Cover letters are not necessary at a Career & 实习世博会.


If a recruiter has been particularly helpful, remember to send a "thank you" letter. It's a good way to jog the recruiter's memory of you and relay your interest in the company. If you weren't able to get a business card with the recruiter's name and address, check with the staff in the 职业中心.
